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Winter Wonderland ❄️

Winter Wonderland ❄️

Usually in the winter months, I enjoy skiing 3 days a week around Rossland...

At Red Mountain Resort, Black Jack Cross Country area and ski touring in the backcountry in the Rossland Range.

I am lucky that Stephanie (my shop manager and friend) lets me ski during the week.

In exchange, I work the weekends.

This winter we have experienced a less than ideal amount of snow for the kind of skiing I like to do (POWDER), so I have found other ways to keep fit...

You can tell by the lack of snow in the trees, it feels unusual for mid - February in a mountain town.

I'm a bit of a dog nut...Gracie pictured above is one of mine.

She is a rescue from Bahrain - Part sighthound, but mostly 'street dog'.

...I think she likes her life here in Rossland.

Wherever you are, we hope you are making the most of the winter season.

Already the days are feeling longer and outdoor dining and activities are around the corner...

However, I wouldn't be sad if we get record amounts of snow between now and Spring Break!

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